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No-ta-da helps you to learn musical notation. It shows a random note and user should name it by hitting the corresponding key. It’s not a piano trainer, but score reading trainer.
Brief notes reference is included.
Simple and powerful. The strength of No-ta-da is its customizability. You change everything to fit your study!
Notes notation:
-C, D, E, F, G, A, B
-C, D, E, F, G, A, H
-do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si
-treble & bass (piano staves)
-if set on, random flats and sharps are added
Range of notes to train:
-one octave
-two octave
-custom, you chose start/end note
-piano imitation
-simple round buttons
-7 more are coming
Free updates ever.
Please, request new features and provide feedback of any kind at Thank you!